105Amp+ Alternator Upgrade

Wiring Diagram and Component Identification
How to determine amperage rating for your circuit

Datsun Alternator Upgrade with 10 circuit fuse panel and 100A Relay

I designed this upgrade to help add electrical circuits to your Z. There are 2 accessory circuits under the glove box (look up color wires Blue??), but who wants to risk running high current electricity through those circuits. The wires are 50 years old wires and probably have corrosion creeping up the wires (insert pic of corrosion creep)

With this kit you will have 105+ Amps from the Alternator. This will feed your stock harness and also the new fuse panel through the 100Amp Relay. The relay is used to connect the power from the Alternator to the new fuse panel, by isolating the new fuse box there are no current draws from the new system when the Z car is OFF. The alternator has a pigtail with 2 wires. The green wire connects to the + side of coil. When the key is on, the +side of the coil receives current from the ignition on steering column, this activates the Alternator to charge. The red wire on the alternator pigtail goes to the 100Amp Relay to Terminal “85”. This is +12V low current which activates the Relay and allows high current to flow from Alternator + Terminal through the Relay (High Current Side) to the New Fuse Panel.

The fuse panel has 10 circuits and includes a water resistant cover. Features a LED On for easy identification of blown fuses/ open circuits. The connectors are 6.3mm spade terminals. It also features a ground block. Total current of 100Amps, maximum 30 amps per circuit. The feed for the stock fuse box and 100Amp Relay connect to the + Alternator. This is an internally regulated alternator, you will not use the external voltage regulator. The harness ground ( 8ga Black wire at Alternator branch) will need to be grounded to the block. Always protect your wire harnesses ( there should be a fusible link at main +12V from battery to starter connection). In addition you can add a fusible link to the stock +12V feed from +terminal on Alternator, The new circuits have fuses to protect them.

My 240z has the following new circuits:

  • 2 Electric Fans ( 2 circuits each draw around 12 amps (Use 15A fuse)
  • Air Horns (1 circuit draws around 8 amps (Use 10A fuse)
  • Stereo (1 circuit for powering head unit current draw depends on unit)
  • Amplifier ( 1 circuit for powering amplifier current draw depends on unit)
  • Upgraded Headlight circuit ( For HID systems 95/100W for each light)
  • Additional lighting and ground effects
  • Video and Audio Surveillance and GPS security system

Datsun 240z 260z 280z High Output Alternator Upgrade Kit


Datsun 240z 260z 280z High Output Alternator Upgrade Kit

105+ AMP Alternator
10 circuit fuse box with easy id led indicator for blown fuses
100 Amp Relay
Installation Wiring Diagram

High Output Alternator uses Internal Voltage Regulator
Does not use stock external Voltage Regulator


Datsun 240z 260z 280z High Output Alternator Upgrade Kit Includes: Installation Wiring Diagram 105+ AMP Alternator 10 circuit fuse box with cover and led warning for blown fuses 100 Amp Relay Pigtail

High Output Alternator uses Internal Voltage Regulator Does not use stock external Voltage Regulator. You can leave the external regulator connected to harness. The main ground ( 8ga black wire at Alternator) will need to be grounded to engine. 


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How to Determine Amperage Rating for Each Circuit

You can use the ampmeter function on your multimeter, please note your fuse rating on your meter. Most low current meters will have a 10A fused connection. If you don’t have a high current multimeter, insert a 5 amp fuse, if this blows go up to next size fuse up – 10Amp fuse. If this fuse blows go up next size fuse – 15amp fuse. If your fuses are in increments of 2.5A that’s fine, just keep going up for fuse rating. You want the fuse rating to be 1 increment above the current draw that blows the fuse.

If you have any questions please contact me! Call 904-418-8693 or email me


Wiring Diagram and Component ID

Please Note the Pigtail wires may be different color
Green wire is now Brown ( Goes to + side on coil)
Red wire is now Gray ( Goes to Relay Terminal “85”)

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